How's your new year so far? It's hard to believe one week is gone already! It's been an eventful one for me I guess… in that I have seen God's hand moving EVER SO SLOWLY, but moving none-the-less. Any little thing continues to give me hope. ha!
One of the answers to prayer for me is that one of my good friends is going to be moving to NZ to help me with the justice stuff I'm going to be doing this year! I'm THRILLED that God is beginning to bring people to develop this team!! I discovered something interesting about me - I love to LIVE alone, but I hate working alone. I'm so about TEAM and that's pretty much the only thing that seems to bring my brain to life - the bantering back and forth, tossing around ideas, etc. I love that!! So that's a very cool start to the new year for me!
And it looks like my days in the shack are numbered!! As it's planned right now, I'll be moving back into my adorable little flat that I used to live in here!! God is so funny - this has become a fantastic solution for everyone that I go back there for a few months! And, hopefully by the middle of the year I will have my OWN place to move into - if all goes as planned!!! The cool, and very unexpected part for me, is that all my stuff that I gave away when I left NZ is in that cute little place - so I'm getting it all back!!! Full circle!! Crazy!
I saw a video today about a doctor who felt the Lord ask him to pray over a dead man's body. The guy had just died of a heart attack. So he did pray… and the guy came back to life! You can see the video on my FB page. What struck me in the whole story was that this doctor had little to NO faith God would raise this guy from the dead… but in his obedience, he prayed anyway. It made me think about how there are so many (wrong!) people who say that it's about our faith when we pray - people don't get healed because WE don't have enough faith… or the sick person doesn't have enough faith. Well, guess what? GOD HEALS. Not us. And He heals because he wants to heal for whatever HIS reasons are. I think our piece in this is to be obedient to pray when God asks us to - like this doctor - but then the results are always and forever in God's hands - regardless of how we feel, or where our faith level is at.
So I have to keep asking myself - am I obedient to all God is asking of me today? And if I am, then I can fully rest and trust that GOD will do a work in and through my life today. I honestly believe it's as simple as that. Let's not worry so much about our faith levels…. but let's worry more about being obedient to DO whatever we are asked by God to do. And through that… our faith will grow - no doubt about it, which will push us to be even more tuned in and ready to respond in obedience to God's voice!! Fantastic circle of hope and growth and depth in God!
“What is more pleasing to the Lord:
your burnt offerings and sacrifices
or your obedience to his voice?
Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice,
and submission is better than offering the fat of rams. 1Sam 15:22
Have a great rest of your week bloggers!!
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