Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Adoption… New Decades… And Other Ponderings...

So.  I turned 50 on the 22nd of Feb.  50.  F.I.F.T.Y.  Five-O.  One-half century.  50 years of age… and since I asked Jesus into my heart when I was 8, that means I've been a Christian for 42 years. FORTY-TWO YEARS.  That's just a little crazy to me.  And that means I have been attached to Paradise Alliance Church in Paradise, California for 40 years, since I started going there initially when I was 10.  And that also means I have been out of High School for 34 years, and I graduated from university 29 years ago!  It is completely and totally feasible that my oldest child (if I had one) would be 31 years old - if I gave birth at 19 like my mom did.  I could EASILY be a grandmother.  I could have been married for 32 years had I gotten married at 18, like my mom.  OH. MY. WORD.  I have to say folks… when I go through that list - it absolutely and completely sounds like someone else's life - not mine!!!  But it does get me thinking about what I have accomplished in all these years… Maybe it's a good year to do some reflecting.  I'll tell you what -- it will definitely be a good year to do some CELEBRATING!!! 

I started to make a list, and got overwhelmed, realizing there was no way I could actually write down all the things I have done in my life - the amazing opportunities I had growing up in Hawaii… being able to go to university and get a degree in something I love… working at jobs that, for the most part, I really enjoyed - especially my 10 years at the Veterinary hospital… ultimately getting into full-time missions… depending on God fully for every cent I have now… traveling the world… living in a nation that won my heart years ago… having had the incredible privilege to walk along-side, learn from and hopefully inspire 500+ young adults through the DTS program… and now walking out God's call for the rest of my life to see the eradication of modern-day slavery… equipping individuals to empower the oppressed… setting the captives free… WOW!!  It's been a full life so far - that's for sure.  And the good news is - It aint over yet by a long shot!!  In some ways I feel like I'm just beginning the good part.  ha!  

One of the running themes throughout my life where I think I've seen God's hand most tangibly is through friendships.  I have had the honor of knowing, loving and being loved by some fabulous people!!  If you look at friendships in a monetary sense… I am a bazillionaire!!  And it doesn't stop!  I continue to cross paths with incredible people who make my life so much richer by just being in it.  I am truly blessed.  

God is blowing my mind too with new insights and revelations of his love… Just yesterday I was pretty overwhelmed looking out at my view and felt this huge sense of love and acceptance from God my father… wow!  After 42 years of knowing him… I still am getting deeper understanding and continued confirmations of how much he loves me.  Incredible!!  He's shown me in a fresh new way how he not only loves me as his adopted daughter… which I have fully understood my whole life because I am adopted in my family… but He also loves me as His own flesh and blood.  Wow.  Completely different concept and significance.  

Okay… enough sappy stuff.  I have to say that I'm really looking forward to this year because it IS a year of jubilee!!  Not sure what that will mean exactly… but it has a nice ring to it, and I'm excited to see what God has up his sleeve for me!  I know this - I am gonna grab this year by the throat and not let go till I get every single bit of life out of it.  hahaha  Okay… that sounded really… angry.  haha!  I think you get what I mean.  I'm not sliding through this year - I'm living it to the full!!   That is a worthy quest. 

One other thing I have decided to do in honor of my 50th year of life is to learn how to play the cello!!  Yeup.  I have been looking at them online to buy… and then realized I can rent one for 6 months!!  So that sounds like a better idea till I know what I want to buy.  I could be totally wrong - but I think I will pick it up pretty quickly.  I guess I'll find out!  I'm pretty excited about that though!!  Music has always been such a huge part of my life, so it'll be so cool learning a new instrument!!  

So here's to a great year of jubilee and celebration for ALL that I have to be thankful for.  I am humbled by the length of my list.